
Section 4B: Terms & Conditions / Warranty 193
Termination. General. Regardless of whether you have a Non-Term or a Term
Service Plan, we may terminate or suspend Services to you without liability if: (1)
you breach any provision of this Agreement (including if you fail to pay any charges
for Services); or (2) you fail to pay any charges due us for equipment or otherwise. If
Services are terminated before the end of your current invoicing cycle, we will not
prorate the monthly recurring charge to the date of termination, and you will not
receive a credit or refund for any unused minutes in your Service Plan.
Use of Services and Equipment; Availability. You must be at least 18 years old to
subscribe to our Services. We may require you to provide proof of your age and
identity. If you are under 18 years old you may be eligible for certain Services that
have Account Spending Limits if a person 18 years or older is also named as a
subscriber on the Account. Your PCS Phone will not accept the services of any
wireless provider other than Sprint (but see Roaming). Services and equipment may
not be used for any unlawful, fraudulent or abusive purpose. By requesting Services,
you agree that you will not use Services and equipment in any unlawful, fraudulent
or abusive manner. You may not resell or lease Services or equipment to anyone.
Coverage. Most services are only available within the operating range of the Sprint
Nationwide PCS Network(also see Roaming). Coverage is not available everywhere.
Coverage and quality of Services may be affected by conditions within or beyond
our control, including network problems, signal strength, your equipment, and
atmospheric, geographic, or topographic conditions. We do not guarantee service
availability or that there will be no interruptions or delays in Services (e.g., dropped
calls, blocked calls, etc.).
Number. We may change the phone number ("Number") assigned to your PCS
device without compensation by giving you prior notice. You do not own the
Number. You may not modify the Number we program into any phone or other
equipment, duplicate the Number to any device other than that authorized by us or,
except as allowed for by law, transfer (port) the Number to any other individual or
entity. If you transfer the Number to another carrier, the terms of the Agreement
(including the rights and obligations set forth in the Termination paragraphs) still
apply. In certain instances, you may transfer a Number from another carrier to
Sprint. Sprint does not in any way guarantee that such transfers to (or from) Sprint
will be successful. If a transfer to Sprint is not successful, you will be responsible
any discounts provided to you with the purchase of your PCS device. See our
printed in-store materials or visit www.sprintpcs.com for additional important
information on Number transfers.
Phone Activation Fee. You may be required to pay a non-refundable phone
activation fee when you activate a new Number, have us switch a Number to a
different phone, have your current Number changed, we activate a different phone
on your existing account or your Service Plan says so.
Charges. For most forms of wireless Service, your usage will be charged from the
time you first initiate contact between your phone or other wireless device and the
network until the network connection is broken, whether or not you are successful
in connecting with the service with which you seek to connect, even if the
connection is later broken or dropped. An exception is that you are not charged for