
14 Section 2A: Your Phone: The Basics
menu options. To mute the ringer during an incoming
call, press the volume key up or down.
8. Voicemail Key allows you to press and hold to
automatically dial your voicemail.
9. Shift/Asterisk Key enters the asterisk [*] character for
calling features. In text entry mode, press to change
the capitalization mode.
10. Plus Code Dialing Key automatically dials the
international access code for the country in which you
are located (for instance, 011 for international calls
placed from the United States).
11. Power/Accessory Interface Connector allows you to
connect charging accessories and optional accessory
cables to your phone.
12. Microphone allows other callers to hear you clearly
when you are speaking to them.
13. Space/Pound Key enters the pound [#] character for
calling features. In text entry mode, press to enter a
14. Numeric Keypad allows you to enter numbers, letters,
and characters.
15. BACK Key (Clear) deletes characters from the display
in text entry mode. When in a menu, press the Back
key to return to the previous menu.
16. Speaker Key turns on or off the speaker phone.
17. END Key (Power) ends a call. Press and hold this key
for two seconds to turn your phone on or off. While in
the main menu, it returns the phone to standby mode
and cancels your input. When you receive an incoming
call, press to enter silent mode and mute the ringer.