
More Information on MP3
MP3 is the common name for MPEG-1, 2 (Motion
Picture Expert Group) Audio Layer 3. This form of
compression is approximately 12 times smaller than
a CD file. The result is a compression file with near
CD quality sound, suitable for sending and down-
loading via the Internet.
You can make MP3 files of your favourite music or
download them from the Internet or another on-line
service to store on your PC, your SGH-M100 phone or
any other portable MP3 player. Then you can enjoy
high quality music.
Copyright Issues
Intellectual property, and this includes music, is
protected worldwide by copyright. It is permitted to
make a copy of legally acquired sound media (for
example CDs or prerecorded cassettes) or music files
(downloaded from the Internet for example) for
personal use only. It is not permitted to offer these
copies for sale or to pass them on to third parties.
Take care when downloading MP3 files from the
Internet. Check that the files are properly licensed
and that the seller is in possession of the rights to
the tracks offered.
The file name is not displayed correctly
• The display shows the file number, name, size and
so on. The file name can be split between two
lines of the display. If the file name is longer than
two lines, it is truncated.
• The file name is automatically saved when you
download the file to the phone. If necessary, change
it on your PC before downloading it.
The remote control keys do not operate
• Have you pushed the Hold button on the side of
the remote control to the Hold position? If so, the
remote control keys are locked. Push the button in
the other direction.
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