
The data processing operations may be classified as logical or arithmetic. The logical operations (AND, EOR, TST,
TEQ, ORR, MOV, BIC, MVN) perform the logical action on all corresponding bits of the operand or operands to
produce the result. If the S bit is set (and Rd is not R15, see below) the V flag in the CPSR will be unaffected, the C
flag will be set to the carry out from the barrel shifter (or preserved when the shift operation is LSL #0), the Z flag will
be set if and only if the result is all zeros, and the N flag will be set to the logical value of bit 31 of the result.
Table 3-3. ARM Data Processing Instructions
Assembler Mnemonic OP Code Action
AND 0000 Operand1 AND operand2
EOR 0001 Operand1 EOR operand2
WUB 0010 Operand1 - operand2
RSB 0011 Operand2 operand1
ADD 0100 Operand1 + operand2
ADC 0101 Operand1 + operand2 + carry
SBC 0110 Operand1 - operand2 + carry - 1
RSC 0111 Operand2 - operand1 + carry - 1
TST 1000 As AND, but result is not written
TEQ 1001 As EOR, but result is not written
CMP 1010 As SUB, but result is not written
CMN 1011 As ADD, but result is not written
ORR 1100 Operand1 OR operand2
MOV 1101 Operand2 (operand1 is ignored)
BIC 1110 Operand1 AND NOT operand2 (Bit clear)
MVN 1111 NOT operand2 (operand1 is ignored)
The arithmetic operations (SUB, RSB, ADD, ADC, SBC, RSC, CMP, CMN) treat each operand as a 32 bit integer
(either unsigned or 2's complement signed, the two are equivalent). If the S bit is set (and Rd is not R15) the V flag in
the CPSR will be set if an overflow occurs into bit 31 of the result; this may be ignored if the operands were
considered unsigned, but warns of a possible error if the operands were 2's complement signed. The C flag will be
set to the carry out of bit 31 of the ALU, the Z flag will be set if and only if the result was zero, and the N flag will be
set to the value of bit 31 of the result (indicating a negative result if the operands are considered to be 2's
complement signed).