3. Press for additional options:
•Share via
: allows you to share the picture via AllShare,
Facebook, Google+, Picasa, or Social Hub.
•Set as
: allows you to set the picture as a Contact icon, Home
screen wallpaper, or Lock screen wallpaper.
: displays additional options for editing and printing.
Viewing Videos
If no control icons are displayed on the screen in
addition to the picture, tap anywhere on the screen to
display them.
1. Touch and hold a video to select it. A checkmark will
appear on the thumbnail.
2. The following options are available:
•Send via
: allows you to share the video via Bluetooth, Email,
Gmail, Messaging, or Wi-Fi Direct.
: allows you to delete the video. Tap
Confirm deletions
and the video will be deleted.
: displays the following additional options:
Share via:
allows you to share a video via Facebook or
Play via:
allows you to play a video via AllShare.
allows you to rename a video.
: provides details about the picture such as Title, Type,
Date taken, name of the Album it is in, Location, Latitude and
Longitude (GPS coordinates), Size, Resolution, Duration, and File
3. Tap a thumbnail to play the video.
For video player controls, see “Video Player” on
page 80.
This section explains how to use the camera on your phone.
You can take photographs and shoot video by using the built-
in camera functionality. Your 8 megapixel camera produces
photos in JPEG format.
Do not take photos of people without their
Do not take photos in places where cameras are
not allowed.
Do not take photos in places where you may
interfere with another person’s privacy.