Storing Channels Manually
You can store television channels, including those received
via cable networks.
When storing channels manually, you can choose:
Whether or not to store each of the channels found.
The programme number of each stored channel which you
wish to identify.
1 Press the MENU button to display the menu.
2 Pressthe▲or▼buttontoselectChannel, then press the
ENTER button.
3 Pressthe▲or▼buttontoselectManual Store, then press
the ENTER button.
4 Selecttherequiredoptionbypressingthe▲or▼button,then
press the ENTER button.
5 When you are satisfied with your setting, press the ENTER
6 Press the EXIT button to exit.
Programme (Programme number to be assigned to a channel)
− Pressthe▲or▼buttonuntilyoufindthecorrectnumber.
You can also select the channel number directly by pressing the numeric buttons (0~9).
Colour System: Auto/PAL/SECAM/NTSC4.43
− Pressthe▲or▼buttontoselecttherequiredcolourstandard.
Sound System: BG/DK/I/L
− Pressthe▲or▼buttontoselecttherequiredsoundstandard.
Channel (When you know the number of the channel to be stored)
− Pressthe▲or▼buttontoselect
C (Air channel) or S (Cable channel).
− Pressthe►button,thenpressthe▲or▼buttontoselecttherequirednumber.
You can also select the channel number directly by pressing the numeric buttons (0~9).
If there is abnormal sound or no sound, re-select the sound standard required.
Search (When you do not know the channel numbers)
− Pressthe▲or▼buttontostartthesearch.
− Thetunerscansthefrequencyrangeuntilthefirstchannelorthechannelthatyouselectedis
received on the screen.
Store (When you store the channel and associated programme number)
− Setto
OK by pressing the ENTER button.
Channel mode
P (Programme mode): When completing tuning, the broadcasting stations in your area have
been assigned to position numbers from P00 to P99. You can select a channel by entering the
position number in this mode.
C (Air channel mode): You can select a channel by entering the assigned number to each air
broadcasting station in this mode.
S (Cable channel mode): You can select a channel by entering the assigned number for each
cable channel in this mode.
Country :
United Kingdom
Auto Store
Manual Store
Channel Manager
Fine Tune
LNA : Off
Programme :
P 1
Colour System : Auto
Sound System : BG
Channel : C −−
Search : 40 MHz
Store : ?
Manual Store
BN68-01423EF-00Eng.indb 14 2008-04-14 오후 6:36:43