
152 Section 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services
Using Voice Dial
For best results with Voice Dial enter first and last names in
your contacts, avoid using abbreviations, and make sure
the names are spelled correctly. Voice Dial automatically
voice-activates every entry in your contacts without the
need to record or “train” names before using them. With
Voice Dial you can dial any person in your contacts by
saying that person's name.
To place a call using Voice Dial:
1. Activate voice recognition by pressing and holding
. (The phone prompts you for a command.)
2. Say Voice Dial. (The phone prompts you to say a name
or a phone number.)
3. Say the full name of the person you want to call,
exactly as it is entered in your contacts. (The phone
plays the name through the earpiece and displays it
on the screen.)
If the contact contains only one number for the
name, the phone automatically dials that number.
If the name that you spoke has more than one
number associated with it, the phone displays the
different locations (Home, Work, Mobile, Pager,
Fax, or Others) and asks you which one to dial. Say
one of the location names and the phone will dial
the number for the location you specified.