SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide
This interface is possible to create and manage the piping/control line.
• Pipe accessories
a. when select the outdoor unit, accessories
activation that connectable.
Piping/control line
Cad mode interface
• System check
present the problem. It make users to modify
System check can determine the suitability of
design and can be minimized design errors by
• Draw piping and drain annotation/change the
annotation’s direction.
After finished the system check, piping
annotation draw to center of each pipe with
a choice of all/zoning option.
If use the change the annotation’s direction
menu and click the piping annotation, it will
• Draw pit annotation
After select the direction of pit and click the
enter key, annotation pit inserted.
If you select this, you can show only
communication wires & controller layers.
• Draw communication wires
Darwing from the pit or free space, then
click indoor and next indoor. When selection
finished, click the enter key.
• Draw wired remote controller manually
Clicking from the indoor, then when
selection finished, click the remote location
and enter key. When this finished, remote
control icon will insert.