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Plane1 Current
This bit shows the current program status of Plane1 at Final 2X Cache Program, 2X Program, and 2X Interleave Cache Program.
During 2X Cache Program prior to ‘2X Program’ command, which will be Final 2X Cache Program, this bit will be invalid (fixed to 0).
Plane1 Current Information[3]
Plane2 Previous
This bit shows the previous program status of Plane2 at 2X Cache Program. This value is invalid only at the first ‘Read Controller Status Reg-
ister’ step of 2X Cache Program and 2X Interleave Cache Program operation. (Refer to 6.14 and 6.15)
Plane2 Previous Information[2]
Plane2 Current
This bit shows the current program status of Plane2 at Final 2X Cache Program, 2X Program, and 2X Interleave Cache Program.
During 2X Cache Program prior to ‘2X Program’ command, which will be Final 2X Cache Program, this bit will be invalid (fixed to 0).
Plane2 Current Information[1]
Time Out (TO)
This bit determines if there is a time out for load, program, copy back program, and erase operations. It is fixed at 'no time out'.
TO Information[0]
Plane1 Current Status of current program on Plane1
Plane2 Previous Status of previous program on Plane2
Plane2 Current Status of current program on Plane2
Item Definition Description
TO Time Out 0 = no time out