Press the UP key.You will be presented with the following display.It shows you the
first station in the UCD group, its associated directory name and the status of that
station (in group, out of group or in DND).
status: IN
NOTE:Press the key directly below the word IN or OUT to change the status of the
station to the opposite condition.DND cannot be changed here.
Press SCROLL.You will be presented with the following display. It shows you haw
many calls station 212 answered.It is possible for this total to represent more than
one day’s calls if the AUTO CLEAR option is not turned on.
212: answered
000 calls today
Press SCROLL. You will be presented with the following display. It shows you the
average call duration for this agent.
212: average
call time 00:00
Press SCROLL. You will be presented with the following display. It shows you the
average amount of time it take for this agent to answer a call.
212: average
ring time 00:00
When you press ADMIN, you will be presented with the following display. The
CLEAR option is used to clear (set to 0) the CALL and AGENT data for the current
group (in this case 529, the sales group). The PRINT option is used to print the
CALL and AGENT data for the current group (in this case, 529, the sales group). It
requires a customer-provided printer.
529: Sales group
Clearing Stored Data
Select the CLEAR option.You will be presented with two options—MANUAL and
z If you select MANUAL, choose YES or NO to immediately clear the data.
z If you select AUTO, you can turn the automatic clear function ON or OFF to
clear the data automatically at a programmed time. If you select ON, you will
be prompted to enter a new time to automatically clear the data. The time is
entered in 24 hour format,for example,11:30 p.m.is entered 2330.Select VIEW
to see or change the currently selected AUTO option. Press the right soft key
to turn automatic clearing ON and OFF.
Printing Data/Running Reports
Select the PRINT option. You will be presented with two options—MANUAL and
z If you select MANUAL,choose YES or NO to immediately print the data to your
customer-provided printer.
z If you select AUTO, you can turn the automatic print function ON or OFF to
print the data automatically at a programmed time. If you select ON, you will
be prompted to enter a new time to automatically print the data. The time is
entered in 24 hour format,for example,11:30 p.m.is entered 2330.Select VIEW
to see or change the currently selected AUTO option. Press the right soft key
to turn automatic printing ON and OFF.