getting started with your phone
Move items on the Home screen
1. Touch and hold an item to move.
2. Drag the item to the location you want when the
item is magnified.
Remove items from the Home screen
1. Touch and hold an item to remove.
The item is magnified and the icon on the
application tab changes to the icon, meaning
that the application tab changes to the trash tab.
2. Drag the item to the trash tab.
3. When the item and the trash tab turn red, release
the item.
View network information and
Drag the status bar down from the top of the screen
to access the network information and the
notification list. To clear the notification list, select
Clear notifications.
To hide the list, drag the bottom of the list up.
Access applications
To access your device’s applications
1. From the Home screen, drag up to open the
application list.