Section 3: Using PCS Service Features
3A: The Basics 183
Retrieving Your Voicemail Messages
Tip: To access your voicemail, you can also press and hold .
You can review your messages directly from your phone or from any
other touch-tone phone. Voicemail messages are saved on the network,
so they are accessible anywhere.
Note: You are charged for airtime minutes when you are accessing your
Using the Menu Keys on Your Phone to Access Your Messages:
From the phone main menu, tap the Menu Launcher
2. Select Messages and tap Voicemail.
3. The Voicemail screen is displayed.
4. Tap Listen.
5. The phone automatically dials your voicemail box.
6. Enter your pass code.
Note: If this is the first time you have accessed your voicemail, the system
will prompt you to setup your mail box before listening to any new
messages. Follow the instructions given to setup your mail box.
Using a Phone Other Than Your Phone to Access Your Messages:
Dial your phone number.
2. When your voicemail box answers, press .
3. Enter your pass code.