S Planner
Learn to view and manage your schedules and tasks more
effectively with S Planner.
Create an event or task
In Idle mode, open the application list and select
S Planner
If alert messages about the calendar sync appear, select
Select an option.
In the week or day view, you can create an event with
simplified details by selecting an empty time slot.
In the month view, you can create a memo by tapping
and holding a date.
Enter details and select
For more information about creating events or tasks, see
page 58.
Change the view mode
To switch the calendar’s view mode, select
a view mode
tab. You can also tap the screen with two fingers, and then
pinch or spread them to change the view mode.
Year view
◄ or ► to view other years. You can also flick the
screen to the left or right.
Select a month to switch to the month view.
Month view
Select the month icons on the top left and right of the screen
to view other months.