
Allow anonymous: Set whether or not to receive
messages from unknown senders.
Allow advertisement: Set whether or not to accept
advertisement messages.
Multimedia message proles - : Select a connection
prole to use for sending or receiving messages.
Message size - : Select a maximum size allowed for
messages. Available message size may vary depending
on your region.
Auto resize image - : Set whether or not to resize an
image to add to a multimedia message.
Creation mode - : Select a mode for creating multimedia
messages. You can select to create messages with
any type of content and of any size or to receive alert
messages about content type or size.
Default style - : Set the default message attributes, such
as font style, size, color, and background color.
Push messages• :
Receiving options - : Set whether or not to receive
messages pushed from web servers.
Expiration: Set how long your messages are stored in
the multimedia message server.
Delivery time: Set a time delay before your messages
are sent.
Request delivery report: Send a request for a delivery
report along with your message to be informed when
your messages are delivered.
Request read report: Send a request for a read report
along with your messages to be informed when your
messages are read.
Add my namecard: Set whether or not to add your
namecard to your outgoing messages.
Receiving options - :
Download Type: Set how to download new
multimedia messages.
Send delivery report: Set the network to inform you
when your messages are delivered.
Send read report: Set the network to inform senders
when you read messages.