Calling a station that is busy or does not answer you can press [#] to immediately
send the call to the called parties mailbox.
Call Divert to Voicemail
While receiving an incoming (ringing) call,dial [✱] to immediately send the caller
to your personal voicemail box.This will override the call forward no answer set-
Direct Messaging
[#] + DSS To make it easy to leave messages for others in your office without hav-
ing to dial their extension number first, keyset users may simply dial [#] plus a
mailbox (extension) number and leave a message directly.If you dial a busy exten-
sion press [#] to connect directly with the mailbox.
Self Memo (Reminder)
Pressing [##] will leave a message in your own mailbox.This is useful to remind
yourself of things to do now or in the future. Messages can be sent with future
delivery so you can have the system call you when items become due.
Display keyset users have the added advantage of using the soft keys and displays
to play,save,delete,reply,call,forward,rewind,pause,fast forward,change the vol-
ume,get message information,or help.
Viewing Mailbox Contents
If you have new messages, in addition to the Terminal Status Indicator (TSI) you
will be able to use the keyset displays and soft keys to communicate with the
SVMi E-Series.
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