Samsung DCS Application Note No 14 - Issue 01 Page 7 of 10
For Further Information Call LSP Communications
Incoming CLIP
When an incoming call is presented to a display keyset, the CLI data is displayed in the top row of the
MMC119 - Set CLIP Display
Sets whether the display Keyset will display either the CLIP name or the CLI number. The Keyset
can only display the CLIP name where the CLI number provided by the network corresponds to a
record programmed in the CLIP Translation table using MMC728. A keyset configured for CLIP
name will show the CLI number if the incoming CLI number is not found in the translation table,
MMC312 Allow CLIP
MMC312 controls, on an extension by extension basis, whether a display Keyset can receive the CLI
data with incoming calls (when it is presented by Telstra). If CLIP RCV is set to No in MMC312, the
top line of a display Keyset will be blank on incoming calls.
MMC 728 CLIP Translation Table
Allows names to be associated with up to 250 CLIP numbers. The numbers programmed into the
translation table should be the full national number eg 0398999277 for LSP.
When CLI is provided, Telstra provide the CLI number in national significant format eg 398999277 for
LSP. However, the DCS and Compact automatically add a zero to the front of the CLI number before
searching the CLIP name/number table for a match.
Note that Telstra will only present the CLIP information on calls originating in the ISDN ie. currently
calls originating from the PSTN or mobile network will not present CLIP information. (Telstra have
announced that they will introduce PSTN CLIP in December 1997) CLIP information will not be
available on incoming international calls from some countries or calls where the CLIR was invoked by
the caller.
Outgoing CLI DATA
MMC 312 Allow CLIP
Can be used to control whether the DCS sends the CLI data on outgoing calls. If CLIP SND is set to
yes, the DCS will send the trunk number programmed with MMC405 as the CLI data when making an
outgoing call.
Note that MMC312 does not act as a Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) feature. Even if
the DCS does not send any CLI digits on an outgoing call, Telstra will still insert the default CLI
number for that line before presenting the call to the destination. If the customer does not want their
CLI data to be presented to the destination party, they must arrange with Telstra for CLIR to be
provided when ordering their service.
MMC 405 Trunk Number
Allows trunk numbers to be entered which will be used as CLI numbers on outgoing calls. The
numbers should be entered in National Significant format ie the full national number with the leading
zero removed. For example 398999277 for LSP Coms.