
SAMSUNG Installation
DCS-816 March 1999
2.4 GROUNDING THE KSU (Figure 2-2)
DCS-816 comes equipped ready to use with the third wire AC ground provided through the power
cord. This ground will be adequate for most applications. However, if it is suspected that there is
a problem with the ground provided at the AC outlet, or local codes require a solid earth ground to
be connected to the KSU, the existing third wire ground must be disconnected before power is
applied. The grounding lug on the KSU must be connected to a ground rod or metal cold water
pipe using #10 AWG (approximately 2.6 mm in diameter) solid copper wire. (See Figure 2-2.)
Failure to provide an adequate ground may cause unpredictable operation or even circuit failure.
Unplug the power cord from the AC outlet before attempting to connect the ground.
Hazardous voltage may cause death or injury. Observe extreme caution when working
with AC power.
2.5 MDF CABLING (Figure 2-3)
All connections to the DCS-816 system are made via a customerprovided main distribution frame
(MDF) and the cables can be routed into the KSU cabinet from below.
A 25-pair male champ connector and a 4-pair modular jack (RJ-45) on the base board are
prepared for external connections. The connections for SLTs are made through the RJ-45
modular jack and other connections are made through the champ connector. The detailed pin
assignments are as follows. (Note that the colour of wires may be differently specified in some
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