Samsung DCS Application Note No 15 - Issue 01 Page 4 of 8
For Further Information Call LSP Communications
Connection the E&M Tieline cards on the DCS uses a 25 pair tail. All Four E&M Tieline ports are
connected via the 25 pair tail. Note the E lead is connected to the mate, for example E&M Tieline port
1 has the E lead on the White wire and the M lead is on the Orange wire.
Colour Amp Pins Description
Blue/White 26,1 TX 1
Orange/White 27,2 E/M 1
Green/White 28,3 RX 1
Brown/White 29,4 TX 2
Slate/White 30,5 E/M 2
Blue-White/White 31,6 RX 2
Blue-Orange/White 32,7 TX 3
Blue-Green/White 33,8 E/M 3
Blue-Brown/White 34,9 RX 3
Blue-Slate/White 35,10 TX 4
Orange-White/White 36,11 E/M 4
Orange-Green/White 37,12 RX 4