You can view your voicemail number from this menu.
1. Press ➔ and then tap (
) ➔
Call settings
2. Tap
Voicemail service
and select
My carrier
3. Tap
Voicemail number
to now view your number within the
Voicemail number field.
HAC Mode
This menu is used to activate or deactivate Hearing Aid
Compatibility for this device.
1. Press ➔ and then tap (
) ➔
Call settings
HAC mode
2. Tap
to activate the feature, or
to deactivate the
feature. Off is the default setting.
TTY Mode
A TTY (also known as a TDD or Text Telephone) is a
telecommunications device that allows people who are deaf,
hard of hearing, or who have speech or language disabilities, to
communicate by telephone.
Your phone is compatible with select TTY devices. Please check
with the manufacturer of your TTY device to ensure that it is
compatible with digital cell phones.
Your phone and TTY device will connect via a special cable that
plugs into your phone’s headset jack. If this cable was not
provided with your TTY device, contact your TTY device
manufacturer to purchase the connector cable.
1. Press ➔ and then tap (
) ➔
Call settings
TTY mode
2. Tap
to activate the feature, or
to deactivate the
feature. Off is the default setting.
Drive Smart
The DriveSmart application can be used to reduce distractions
from your phone by silencing notifications, routing calls to
voicemail and customizing auto responses to both callers and
text message respondents notifying them that your driving.
Press ➔ and then tap (
) ➔
For more information, refer to “DriveSmart” on page 139.