258 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Library Reference Manual
This KI represents the same algorithm type as KI_DSAPrivate except that it uses the
ASN.1 BER format. It allows you to parse and create an ASN.1 key info type encoded
as specified by X9.57. You call
B_SetKeyInfo to initialize a key object from the
encoded key info type that includes the private component, prime, subprime, and
base. You call
B_GetKeyInfo with this KI to create an encoded key info type from a
key object that was created using
KI_DSAPrivate, KI_DSAPrivateBER, or
KI_DSAPrivateX957BER. The OID for DSA keys, excluding the tag and length bytes, in
decimal, is “
42, 134, 72, 206, 56, 4, 1”. Also see KI_DSAPrivate and
Type of information this allows you to use:
the encoding of a DSA private key that is encoded as X9.57 PrivateKeyInfo type that
contains an RSA Security Inc. DSAPrivateKey type. Note that this encoding contains
all of the information specified by
Format of info supplied to B_SetKeyInfo:
pointer to an ITEM structure that gives the address and length of the BER encoding.
The encoding is converted to DER before it is copied to the key object.
BE_WRONG_KEY_INFO if the PrivateKeyInfo specifies a private key for an
algorithm other than DSA (as defined by X9.57).
Format of info returned by B_GetKeyInfo:
pointer to an ITEM structure that gives the address and length of the DER encoding.
Can get this info type if key object already has:
KI_DSAPrivate, KI_DSAPrivateBER, or KI_DSAPrivateX957BER.