To run Windows Scheduler in Windows Vista, click Start,
All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Task
Note: See Windows Help and Support for information on
using the Windows Scheduler. Remember that scheduling
changes made directly in the Windows Scheduler are not
displayed in the Back Up Files project window.
Backup tips
• All of the discs used in a Back Up Files project must be
the same general format.
• In a multi-disc Back Up Files project, files are assigned
based on the size of the first disc you use. If your first disc
has a capacity of 650 MB, for example, no more than
650 MB will be burned on any subsequent disc, even if it
has a larger capacity. This also means that no disc in a
project can have a smaller capacity than the first disc
used in a project.
• Discs used in a Back Up Files project are closed once they
are recorded. If you use write-once discs, you will not be
able to add additional data.
• If you are using a drive that records to more than one
type of disc, you will be given the option to switch to a
different disc format after pressing the action button if
you have selected a file that will not fit on a single disc.
• To view a list of the files on a Back Up Files disc, open the
html file placed on the disc.
• Files in use by your computer’s operating system or by an
open application cannot be archived or overwritten with
the Back Up Files project. Any busy files encountered
during a backup will be listed for you to review.
• Do not open files or applications while a Back Up Files
project is in progress. This can cause the project to stop
before all of the files in the project are archived.
RF-HD25_08-1730 - ENG.fm Page 18 Friday, October 10, 2008 1:21 PM