Swift FX Bella Gray
Note: The strap and soft sleeve are not intended to be dissassembled
and can be washed together, while attached to the buckle.
Refer to the Swift FX Bella Gray reassembly illustrations in this user
System reassembly steps
1–2. Insert the swivel ring into the opening of the cushion. Ensure
that the cushion sits between the ridges of the swivel ring.
3. Rotate the elbow to ensure it moves freely.
4. Check that the inner walls of the nasal pillows are not
compressed or collapsed. If so, squeeze each nasal pillow to
release the inner wall.
5. Hold the buckle with the arrow facing you. Latch the buckle
onto the node on the pillows.
6. Repeat step 5 with the other buckle.
Headgear reassembly steps (if required)
If you have disassembled your headgear it needs to be reassembled
before attaching to the pillows.
1. Thread each strap through the soft sleeve. Pull the soft sleeve
up until it sits flush against the widest part of the strap.
Ensure the soft sleeve lies flat on the strap.
2. Hold the buckle with the arrow facing up.
A. Ensuring the notches of the strap are facing the arrow
head, thread the end of the strap down through the
opening closest to the arrow head on the buckle.
B. Bring the end of the strap up through the other opening,
making sure that the notches on the strap sit against each
Repeat these steps with each strap.
3. Ensure that the straps are not twisted.