Section 5: Daily operation
* The pressure strip light display gives an approximate indication of the
pressure you are receiving. You will notice that the indicator lights
fluctuate as the unit switches between your IPAP and EPAP pressures.
Using the delay timer
If you prefer to have the air pressure build up gradually while you fall asleep,
select one of the delay timer buttons on the front panel (see figure above). The
number on the button (5, 10 or 20) indicates how many minutes it will take for the
pressure to build up from a low, barely noticeable level to your set pressures.
If you want the pressure to rise very slowly, press the 20 minute button. You will
soon find the rate of build-up that is most comfortable for you. The indicator lights
on the strip light display will come on slowly, and reach your prescribed levels at
the end of the delay period.
Note: Your physician may recommend that you do not use the delay timer, or only
use it to a limited degree. In this case, for example, your unit may be set to
allow you to select a time delay of 5 or 10 minutes, but not 20 minutes.
You may change the delay period at any time. For example, you may wish to extend
the delay period if you are finding it difficult to fall asleep. Simply select one of
the delay timer buttons. Or you may choose an immediate start by pressing the
START button. The flow generator will always respond to the last button selected.
Positioning the Bubble Cushion
If you are using the Bubble Cushion, the flow generator needs to be running to
inflate the cushion before it can be securely positioned against your nose. (Start
the unit using either the START button or the delay timer – whichever you prefer.)
Position the inflated cushion by lifting it off your face and then resting it gently
against your nose. Adjust the cushion until a comfortable air seal is achieved.
You may then need to readjust the headgear straps. The mask should fit just firmly
enough so there are no leaks when the unit is running at your prescribed pressures.
Front panel
Delay timer buttons
Pressure strip light display*