4 Reinsert the spill guard into the water chamber recess and push down to fit firmly into
Reassembling your H4i
Reassemble the parts when they are clean and dry.
1 Align the cover seal to the guides on the cover and press along the edges to ensure
it is fitted properly.
2 Put one cover arm into its pivot point on the docking station and gently flex the other
arm into its corresponding point. The cover should be able to open and close freely
while securely attached to the docking station.
Replace the water chamber in the humidifier docking station.
The H4i should be inspected by an authorised ResMed Service Centre five years from
the date of manufacture. Prior to this, the device is intended to provide safe and
reliable operation provided that it is operated and maintained in accordance with the
instructions provided by ResMed. Warranty details are provided with the device at the
time of original supply. As with all electrical devices, if any irregularity becomes
apparent, you should exercise caution and have the device inspected by an authorised
ResMed Service Centre.
Frequently asked questions
Question Answer
Why is there
condensation in
my mask and/or
air tubing?
Excessive condensation in your mask or air tubing may occur when the room
temperature is low. To prevent condensation, turn the control dial down to a
lower setting. You may need to adjust your humidity setting from season to
season. The use of a ResMed Tubing Wrap can help reduce the effects of
Do I have to use
distilled water
in the water
Using distilled water will maximise the life of the water chamber and reduce
mineral deposits.
What if I still
have symptoms
of dryness?
If you have symptoms of dryness, then your humidity setting may be set too
low to be effective. Turn the humidity control dial up.
If you are still experiencing symptoms of dryness, you may be breathing
through your mouth. Mouth breathing or mouth leaks cause drying and
irritation of the upper airway. If this is a problem, a full face mask or chin strap
may help. Consult your clinician or equipment supplier for details.
248672 H4i User Guide Eur1.book Page 8 Friday, February 1, 2013 10:57 AM