Applications Engineering
2.0 Contents of Product Package
This section describes the contents of the RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK product package. When unpacking your
RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK, please check to see that all items listed below are included.
2.1. RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK ZigBee Demonstration Kit Item List
Table 2-1
Table 2-1 RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK Item List
lists the items included in the RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK.
Item Name Quantity Remarks
RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK Board 3 ZigBee Demo Kit (ZDK) Boards, pre-programmed with
demo software
RF Sniffer Board 1 RF Sniffer Board, pre-programmed with Sniffer
RTA-FoUSB-MON (ICD) 1 In-Circuit Debugger and Flash Programmer Interface
RTA-FoUSB-MON (RFSI) 1 RF Sniffer Interface
6” 10-Pin Target Cable 2 Connects ICD and RFSI units to ZDK and RF Sniffer
6’ Mini USB Cable 2 Connects ICD and RFSI units to Host PC
Battery Pack with 3 AA batteries 3 Powers the three ZDK boards
CD-ROM Auto-install program
RF Sniffer software
HEW (IDE & debugger)
NC30WA (C-compiler, assembler, and linker)
FoUSB Programmer
USB drivers
Sample programs
2.2. CD-ROM
The CD-ROM contains the electronic manuals and software necessary for developing programs. Your
computer must have a web browser — like Mozilla Firefox, Netscape
Browser or Microsoft
Explorer — to view the help files, and Adobe
to view the manuals.
Insert the enclosed CD into your computer and the installer will auto-start. The installer program will
create C:\Renesas and C:\Workspace folders on your machine. NC30WA, FoUSB Programmer,
Documentation, sample code, and other ZDK-related files are in the C:\Renesas folder. HEW is
installed in the C:\Program Files folder by default.
If the installer program does not start, browse to the CD’s root folder and double-click on
ZDK_Installer.exe to start the installation.
RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK User’s Manual Rev 1.2 5/ 33 August 2006