Section 21 IEBus
Page 1132 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
3 RXEOVEE 0 R/W Overrun Control Flag Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables an overrun control flag (RXEOVE)
0: Disables an overrun control flag (RXEOVE) interrupt
1: Enables an overrun control flag (RXEOVE) interrupt
2 RXERTMEE 0 R/W Receive Timing Error Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables a receive timing error (RXERTME)
0: Disables a receive timing error (RXERTME) interrupt
1: Enables a receive timing error (RXERTME) interrupt
1 RXEDLEE 0 R/W Overflow of Maximum Number of Receive Bytes in One
Frame Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables an overflow of the maximum number of
receive bytes in one frame (RXEDLE) interrupt
0: Disables an overflow of the maximum number of
receive bytes in one frame (RXEDLE) interrupt
1: Enables an overflow of the maximum number of
receive bytes in one frame (RXEDLE) interrupt
0 RXEPEE 0 R/W Parity Error Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables a parity error (RXEPE) interrupt
0: Disables a parity error (RXEPE) interrupt
1: Enables a parity error (RXEPE) interrupt