Section 26 USB 2.0 Host/Function Module
Page 1520 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Example 1 for writing odd data: Writing data with 16-bit width once and then with 8-bit width
Set MBW to 01.
Set MBW to 00.
Write 16-bit data to the FIFO
port register.
Write 8-bit data to the FIFO
port register.
Writing end
Set the FIFO port access width to 16 bits.
Write data to bits 31 to 16 when BIGEND = 1,
and bits 15 to 0 when BIGEND = 0.
Set the FIFO port access width to 8 bits.
Write data to bits 31 to 24 when BIGEND = 1,
and bits 7 to 0 when BIGEND = 0.
Figure 26.12 Example 1 for Writing Odd Data to FIFO Port
Example 1 for writing odd data 2: Writing data with 8-bit width three times
Set the FIFO port access width to 8 bits.
Write data to bits 31 to 24 when BIGEND = 1,
and bits 7 to 0 when BIGEND = 0.
Writing end
Set MBW to 00.
Write 8-bit data to the FIFO
port register three times.
Figure 26.13 Example 2 for Writing Odd Data to FIFO Port