Section 15 Serial Communication Interface with FIFO
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 731 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
0 DR 0 R/(W)* Receive Data Ready
Indicates that the quantity of data in the receive FIFO
data register (SCFRDR) is less than the specified
receive trigger number, and that the next data has not
yet been received after the elapse of 15 ETU from the
last stop bit in asynchronous mode. In clock
synchronous mode, this bit is not set to 1.
0: Receiving is in progress, or no receive data
remains in SCFRDR after receiving ended normally
[Clearing conditions]
DR is cleared to 0 when the chip undergoes a
power-on reset
DR is cleared to 0 when all receive data are read
after 1 is read from DR and then 0 is written.
DR is cleared to 0 when all receive data are read
after the direct memory access controller is
activated by receive FIFO data full interrupt (RXI).
1: Next receive data has not been received
[Setting condition]
DR is set to 1 when SCFRDR contains less data
than the specified receive trigger number, and the
next data has not yet been received after the
elapse of 15 ETU from the last stop bit.*
Note: 1. This is equivalent to 1.5 frames with the 8-
bit, 1-stop-bit format. (ETU: elementary
time unit)
Note: * Only 0 can be written to clear the flag after 1 is read.