English – 23
1. Check blades and make sure they are not bent, out of balance or loose. Replace if necessary.
2. Check belt for burn spots or irregularities that might cause vibrations. Replace if necessary.
3. Check quill assemblies for damage or wear. Replace if necessary.
4. Check for worn or damaged blade engagement parts. Repair or replace if necessary.
5. Check engine drive pulley inner surface. If inner surface is rough or split, pulley should be replaced.
6. Check under side of mower deck housing for accumulation of clippings. Remove accumulated clippings.
7. Check for loose or damaged engine mounts. Tighten or replace as necessary.
8. Check blade belt tension per manual. Adjust if necessary.
1. Check unit drive belt adjustment. Ajust if necessary.
2. Check for damaged or broken clutching idler spring. Replace if necessary.
3. Check belt for wear or damage. Replace if necessary.
4. Check for and remove any foreign objects obstructing clutching idler mechanism.
5. Check for split engine or transmission pulley. Replace if necessary.
6. On Shift-on-the-Go units, check for proper free play in cable adjustment.
1. Check mower height adjustment setting and readjust if needed. Scalping is more likely on rough or uneven
2. Check for damage to mower deck housing; repair if necessary.
3. Check for bent blades or quill assemblies. Replace if necessary.
4. Check mower deck levelling adjustment and adjust it if necessary.
1. Check lawn tractor drive belt adjustment and lawn tractor brake adjustment per manual. Adjust if necessary.
2. Check for and remove any foreign objects obstructing clutching idler mechanism.
1. Check belt tension. Adjust if necessary.
2. Check belt guides. Adjust if necessary.
3. Check for split or damaged pulleys. Replace if necessary.
4. Check clutching idler pulley alignment. If out of alignment, idler bracket may be bent. Replace if necessary.
1. See steps 1 through 5 in Unit drive belt slips section of this chart.
2. Check engine, transmission or transaxle pulley for sheared or missing key. Replace if necessary.
3. Check transaxle to make sure it is operable.
1. Check for split or damaged pulley. Replace if necessary.
2. Check belt for irregularities or burned spots. Replace if necessary.
3. Make sure belt tension is correct. Adjust if necessary.
4. Check clutching idler assembly for wear or damage. Replace parts if necessary.
1. Check shifting procedure.
2. Check lawn tractor drive belt adjustment and lawn tractor brake adjustment per manual. Adjust if necessary.
3. Have transaxle checked by an authorized service dealer.
1. Check for steering sector gear and pinion looseness. If gears are loose, make sector gear adjustment.
2. Check ball joints for wear. Replace if necessary.
1. Check starting procedure. Make sure starting instructions are followed.
2. Check fuse.
3. Check battery for charge. Make sure battery has been activated and charged.
4. On new units, remove spark plug and check cylinder for accumulation of oil due to improper handling.
5. Make visual check of electrical system to make sure all connections and lockout switches are secure.
6. Check engine according to engine manufacturer’s instructions.
7. Have electrical system checked by an authorized service dealer.
1. Check starting procedure. Make sure starting instructions are followed.
2. Make sure fuel tank is filled with clean, fresh fuel.
3. Make sure fuel shut-off is open.
4. Make sure that throttle is in start or fast position.
5. Check engine according to engine manufacturer’s instructions.
6. Have wiring and lockout switches checked by an authorized service dealer.
7. Check fuel filter for obstructions.
8. Check for choke usage.
1. Take away the grass collector, and clean the discharge tunnel.
Extreme vibration
occurs when blade is
Unit drive belt slips
Mower scalps lawn
Unit drive belt squeals
when brake is applied
Unit drive belt comes
off during use
Unit will not propel
itself when clutch is
Extreme vibration
occurs when clutch is
Unit will not shift or
shifts hard
Steering slips or is
Engine will not turn
Engine turns over but
will not start
Blocked discharge