the controls, features and performance of your new bike.
Familiarize yourself with the braking action of the bike
(see Section 4.C). Test the brakes at slow speed, putting
your weight toward the rear and gently applying the
brakes, rear brake rst. Sudden or excessive application
of the front brake could pitch you over the handlebars.
Applying brakes too hard can lock up a wheel, which
could cause you to lose control and fall. Skidding is an
example of what can happen when a wheel locks up.
If your bicycle has toeclips or clipless pedals, practice
getting in and out of the pedals. See paragraph B.4
above and Section 4.E.4.
If your bike has suspension, familiarize yourself with how
the suspension responds to brake application and rider
weight shifts. See paragraph B.6 above and Section 4.F.
Practice shifting the gears (see Section 4.D).
Remember to never move the shifter while pedaling
backward, nor pedal backwards immediately after
having moved the shifter. This could jam the chain and
cause serious damage to the bicycle.
Check out the handling and response of the bike; and
check the comfort.
If you have any questions, or if you feel anything
about the bike is not as it should be, consult your dealer
before riding.
2. Safety
A. The Basics
WARNING: Many states require specic safety
devices. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with
the laws of the state where you ride and to comply with
all applicable laws, including properly equipping yourself
and your bike as the law requires.
Observe all local bicycle laws and regulations.
Observe regulations about licensing of bicycles, riding
on sidewalks, laws regulating bike path and trail use,
helmet laws, child carrier laws, special bicycle trafc
laws, and so on. It’s your responsibility to know and obey
the laws.
1. Always wear a cycling helmet which meets the
latest certication standards and is appropriate for
the type of riding you do. Always follow the helmet
manufacturer’s instructions for t, use and care of your
helmet. Most serious bicycle injuries involve head injuries
which might have been avoided if the rider had worn
an appropriate helmet.
WARNING: Failure to wear a helmet when riding may
result in serious injury or death.
2. Always do the Mechanical Safety Check (Section
1.C) before you get on a bike.
3. Be thoroughly familiar with the controls of your
bicycle: brakes (Section 4.C.); pedals (Section 4.E.);
shifting (Section 4.D.)