Installation and User’s Guide
Managing Tasks and Appointments — Using the Tasks function
Due: Select the date by when the task is to be completed. Your
options are None or By Date. If you select None, no due date will be
recorded for this task. If you select By Date, you can select the date
on which this task is due.
Notes: Type any reference notes you would like to keep about the
To view and edit tasks
1. In the Home screen, scroll to the TASKS icon and click.
2. Scroll to the task that you want to view or edit, then click to
view the menu. Select Open Task by clicking again.
3. The Edit Task screen appears with the task details listed. Edit
the task by changing the fields in this screen.
4. Once you have finished viewing or editing the task, click to
view the menu. Scroll to Save Task and click.
You return to the Tasks screen.
To delete tasks
1. In the Home screen, scroll to the TASKS icon and click.
2. In the Tasks screen, scroll to the task you want to delete, then
click to view the menu. Scroll to Delete Task and click.
3. A dialog box appears, asking if you want to delete the task.
Click Yes. (This dialog box appears only if you have set the
Confirm Task Delete field to Yes in the Tasks Options screen.)