Beyond the Basics
Beyond the Basics
category 6: music & drawing
activity 58: music station
1. Press ON/Mode to go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 58.
3. Select a song by pressing any letter from A to Z.
activity 59: musical keyboard
1. Press ON/Mode to go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 59.
3. Press the keys with the music symbols to compose your
own melody.
4. Press Play to play back the notes you have just recorded.
5. Press Clear to erase the recorded musical notes.
activity 60: dance to music
1. Press ON/Mode to go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 60.
3. The laptop will play a short piece of music. Then it
drops different musical notes from the top row into four
different columns. Each column represent an arrow key
4. When a musical note drops down and the arrow key icon
in a column blinks, press the corresponding arrow key on
the keypad.
5. Try to catch as many musical notes as possible.
activity 61: drawing fun
1. Press ON/Mode to go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 61.
3. Select drawing mode by pressing Draw (pencil key),
Move (shift + pencil key), or Erase (eraser key). A
drawing point will appear at the center of the screen.
• Press Draw, then use the arrow keys to draw.
• Press Erase, then use the arrow keys to erase.
• Press Move, then use the arrow keys to move to
another location in your picture.
• Use Clear to clear the whole screen.
8. There are three icons on the left panel.
• Click on the fi rst icon to select a different grey tone.
• Click on the second icon to select a different pen style.
• Click on the third icon to select a different erase style.