
The Basics
storing text tags 34
assigning a text tag to a channel 34
assigning a text tag to a group ID 35
assigning a tex tage to a bank 35
text input chart 36
nding and storing active frequencies 37
searching a preprogrammed frequency range 37
band charts 38
search bank: SR0 marine band 38
search bank: SR1 CB band 40
search bank: SR2 FRS/GMRS/MURS band 40
search bank: SR3 police/fi re band 41
search bank: SR4 aircraft 42
search bank: SR5 amateur band 43
search bank: SR6 programmable limit search 43
searching active frequencies in a range 43
manually tuning a frequency 45
listening to the weather band 45
listening to a weather channel 46
SAME standby mode 46
WX Alert and beep tone confi rmation 47
Skywarn 48
using frequency copy 48
copying a frequency into a specifi ed channel 48
copying a frequency into an empty channel
within a bank 49
copying a frequency into the priority channel 50
Signal Stalker II 50
using Signal Stalker II 51
using Signal Stalker II with lockout 51
scanning channels 52
turning channel-starage banks off and on 52
monitoring a single channel/power save circuit 53