
About the Keypad
1 — enters a 1, or inputs
characters 0 through 9 in text
2/ABC — enters a 2, or inputs
characters A, B, or C.
3/DEF — enters a 3, or inputs
characters D, E, or F.
4/GHI — enters a 4, or inputs
characters G, H, or I.
5/JKL — enters a 5, or inputs
characters J, K, or L.
6/MNO — enters a 6, or inputs
characters M, N, or O.
7/PQRS — enters a 7, or inputs
characters P, Q, R, or S.
8/TUV — enters an 8, or inputs
characters T, U, or V.
9/WXYZ — enters a 9, or inputs
characters W, X, Y, or Z.
0 — enters a zero, or inputs
characters ., -, #, _, @, +, *, &, /, ',
$, %, !, ^, (, ), ?, ->, ` or <-.
./DELAY — enters a decimal point
(necessary when programming
frequencies), space, or programs
delay time for the selected
channel/search bank, or hyphen
(in trunking ID setting).
CL clears an incorrect entry.