A General Guide to Scanning
US Weather Frequencies
Ham Radio Frequencies
Ham radio operators often transmit emergency informa-
tion when other means of communication break down.
The chart below shows the frequencies the scanner re-
ceives that ham radio operators normally use:
Birdie Frequencies
Every scanner has birdie frequencies. Birdies are sig-
nals created inside the scanner’s receiver. These oper-
ating frequencies might interfere with transmissions on
the same frequencies. If you program one of these fre-
quencies, you hear only noise on that frequency. If the
interference is not severe, you might be able to turn
clockwise to cut out the birdie.
This scanner’s birdie frequencies (in MHz) are:
162.400 162.425 162.450 162.475
162.500 162.525 162.550
Wavelength Frequencies (MHz)
10-Meter 29.000–29.700
6-Meter 50.000–54.000
2-Meter 144.000–148.000
70-cm 420.000–450.000
33-cm 902.000–928.000
29.0000 147.7650 415.3375 475.2375
31.9500 150.1500 419.3375 479.2375
32.1000 151.7600 423.3250 483.2250
35.9400 155.7500 427.3125 487.2250
38.4000 159.7450 429.0500 491.2125
20-522b.fm Page 59 Thursday, September 7, 2000 9:41 AM