
Beyond the Basics
virtual scanner
The PRO-2096 V-Scanner (Virtual Scanner) feature allows you
to edit, store, recall and use up to eleven full sets of scanner
memory profi les. With V-Scanner, it is possible to create
separate scanner memory profi les for different areas you visit
or for different ways that you use the scanner.
Your scanner contains two types of storage memory. Working
memory is the memory that your scanner uses while you
are programming, cloning, or using your scanner. V-Scanner
memory is the memory that your scanner uses to store
saved confi gurations in V-Scanner folders for later recall and
use. Your scanner features ten V-Scanner folders (0-9) for
confi guration storage. An additional “scratchpad” V-Scanner
folder can be accessed with the decimal point (.) key and is
indicated in the display with the “#” symbol. The scratchpad
folder offers a convenient location to temporarily store the
contents of working memory when managing the V-Scanner
Working with V-Scanner folders is much like working with
computer application fi les, such as spreadsheets and word
processing documents. Any programming changes you
make to the scanner’s working memory can be saved to
one of the ten V-Scanner folders, or the scratchpad folder.
When you save working memory to a V-Scanner folder, all
settings contained in working memory are saved, including
channels, talkgroups, lockout status, contrast settings, etc.
Previously saved V-Scanner folders can be recalled and
loaded into working memory. You can also erase the contents
of V-Scanner folders, or move the contents of one folder to
another using working memory. V-Scanner folder names are
stored in Line 4 from the Welcome screen that appears when
you fi rst power on the scanner. You can change the contents
of line 4 from the current working memory confi guration.
This information is saved when you store the V-Scanner.