• Cordless phones such as this one require AC power to oper-
ate. When the AC power is off, you cannot dial out or receive
incoming calls using your phone. For this reason, the phone
should not be your only telephone. To be safe, you should
also have a phone that does not require AC power to operate
(not a cordless phone) so you can still make and receive calls
if there is an AC power failure.
• Some cordless phones operate at frequencies that might
cause interference to nearby TVs and VCRs. To minimize or
prevent such interference, the base of the cordless phone
should not be placed near or on top of a TV or VCR.
• Your cordless phone operates on standard radio frequencies,
as allocated by the FCC. Even though your phone's access
protection code prevents unauthorized use of your phone
line, it is possible for other radio units operating on similar fre-
quencies within a certain area to unintentionally intercept
your conversations and/or cause interference. This possible
lack of privacy can occur with any cordless phone.
In the unlikely event that your phone causes problems on the
phone line, the phone company can temporarily discontinue your
service. If this happens, the phone company attempts to notify you
in advance. If advance notice is not practical, the phone company
notifies you as soon as possible and advises you of your right to
file a complaint with the FCC.