n the unlikely event that your AFX-400 causes problems on
he phone line, the phone company can disconnect your ser-
ice. The phone company attempts to notify you in advance. If
dvance notice is not practical, the phone company notifies
ou of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
lso, the phone company can make changes to its lines,
quipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the op-
ration of your AFX-400. The phone company notifies you of
hese changes in advance, so you can take steps to prevent
nterruption of your phone service.
Your AFX-400 has built-in protection circuits to reduce the risk
of damage from surges in the phone and power line current.
These protection circuits meet or exceed FCC requirements.
However, lightning striking the phone line or power lines can
damage your AFX-400.
Lightning damage is not common. Nevertheless, if you live in
an area that has frequent electrical storms, we suggest that
you unplug your AFX-400 during storms to reduce the possi-
bility of damage.