Beyond the Basics
an EDACS trunked system
Your scanner shows EDACS talk groups in AFS (Agency-
Fleet-Subfl eet) format. This helps you see, at a glance, who
you are monitoring. And with the partial-entry feature, you
can easily include nearby, related channels in the same fl eet
or agency. You can just as easily exclude entire unwanted
fl eets and agencies.
When in search mode, with the system frequencies
programmed, and your scanner locked to the control
channel, you can select a desired city by keying in the agency
part of the AFS talk group. When you hear an interesting talk
group, in hold mode capture it to your scan list by pressing E
during the transmission. Or hold on it by pressing
Your scanner can also work in decimal format. Talk group 03-
62 in decimal format is 402. But decimal format does not give
you any information about the system hierarchy. Decimal is
useful if you need to work from decimal talk group lists.
special EDACS features
AFS partial entry
AFS is a method of encoding EDACS talk groups. AFS stands
for “Agency-Fleet-Subfl eet”. AFS talk groups are used in all
EDACS reception -- in ID search, ID lockout and ID scan. The
powerful AFS partial entry feature designed into the scanner
lets you use either a complete talk group code, or just the
most signifi cant part.
This feature lets you expand or narrow searching and
scanning to one of 4 levels. By entering only the desired
part of an AFS talk group, you can select 2048 talk groups,
128 talk groups, or 8 talk groups. For example, you could
program every talk group in a police department with just
4 key presses. You can use the AFS partial entry feature