Remote Control
Volume Key Priority-Press 17
The Volume class keys are VOL+, VOL- and MUTE. To set up volume class key perform
the following steps:
Volume Key Priority-Press Setup – TV
1. Press TV key. The red light blinks one time.
2. Press P key. The red light blinks two times.
3. Press VOL+, VOL- or MUTE key. The red light blinks three times.
When the VOL+, VOL- or MUTE keys are pressed, the volume will only be controlled through
the TV.
Volume Key Priority-Press Setup – CBL/SAT
1. Press CBL/SAT key. The red light blinks one time.
2. Press P key. The red light blinks two times.
3. Press VOL+, VOL- or MUTE key. The red light blinks three times.
When the VOL+, VOL- or MUTE keys are pressed, the volume will only be controlled through
the CBL/SAT box.
Volume Key Priority-Press Setup – VCR
1. Press VCR key. The red light blinks one time.
2. Press P key. The red light blinks two times.
3. Press VOL+, VOL- or MUTE key. The red light blinks three times.
When the VOL+, VOL- or MUTE keys are pressed, the volume will only be controlled through
the VCR.
Volume Key Priority-Press Setup – DVD
1. Press DVD key. The red light blinks one time.
2. Press P key. The red light blinks two times.
3. Press VOL+, VOL- or MUTE key. The red light blinks three times.
When the VOL+, VOL- or MUTE keys are pressed, the volume will only be controlled through
the DVD.
To remove Volume Key Priority-Press repeat the setup steps for the appropriate device. Two
blinks of the red light indicate Volume Lock is turned off.
The Transport class keys are REW, PLAY, FFWD, REC, STOP, and PAUSE. To setup
and turn on transport class keys to devices perform the following steps:
Transport Key Priority-Press Setup
1. Press VCR or DVD key. The red light blinks one time.
2. Press P key. The red light blinks two times.
3. Press a Transport Class Key. The red light blinks three times.
When a Transport Class key is pressed, transport keys will only work for the selected device.