Software Installation
Install QLogicIB-Basic with the Installer Tool
IB0056101-00 G.02 Preliminary 5-9
4. Type 1, which will display the screen for software installation. The next
screen shows the packages to select for installation:
QLogic Inc. IB Install ( release) Menu
Please Select Install Action (screen 1 of 3):
0) OFED IB Stack [ Install ][Available]
1) TrueScale HCA Libs [ Install ][Available]
2) QLogic IB Tools [ Install ][Available]
3) OFED IB Development [ Install ][Available]
4) QLogic Fast Fabric [Don’t Install][Not Avail]
5) QLogic SRP [ Install ][Available]
6) QLogic Virtual NIC [ Install ][Available]
7) OFED IP over IB [ Install ][Available]
8) OFED SDP [ Install ][Available]
9) OFED uDAPL [ Install ][Available]
a) QLogic FM [Don’t Install][Not Avail]
b) MVAPICH (gcc) [ Install ][Available]
c) MVAPICH2 (gcc) [ Install ][Available]
d) OpenMPI (gcc) [ Install ][Available]
N) Next Screen
P) Perform the selected actions I) Install All
R) Re-Install All U) Uninstall All
X) Return to Previous Menu (or ESC)
Pressing the keys corresponding to menu items (0-9, a-d in the example
above) will toggle the selection for the given item.
The packages above are recommended for a new install. QLogic Fast Fabric
(4) and QLogic FM (Fabric Manager) (a) are only available if you have
purchased the InfiniBand Fabric Suite. MVAPICH2 (c) does not run over
QLogic PSM; it runs over Open Fabrics Verbs only.
TrueScale HCA Libs (1) contains the
enhanced InfiniPath HCA driver, optimized
stack for MPI(PSM) and QLogic MPI, and user tools.
5. Then, type n to proceed to the next screen. You can cycle through the
available screens by continuing to type n. (Typing x or pressing ESC will
return you to the top level menu, and un-set all your current choices.)