Step 6. Install the SANsurfer Router Manager
Management Console - System Requirements:
The SANbox 6140 Router comes with QLogic’s SANsurfer Router Manager application. (The Router management console
can be a Windows, Solaris, Linux or MAC OS-X based workstation or server.)
The SANsurfer Router Manager application includes the Configuration Wizard, which auto-detects and configures the
SANbox 6140 Router based on selected options and recommended settings. To install the SANsurfer Router Manager
application on a Windows workstation/server, perform the following steps:
1. Insert the QLogic CD into the CD-ROM drive of the Windows workstation/server.
2. A list of supported platforms will be displayed. Locate the appropriate platform and click Install.
3. If the product introduction screen does not display, open the QLogic CD with Windows Explorer and
run the installation program, located in the following path:
For other OS Platforms please install appropriate packages. The directory structure defines the OS type.
Step 7. Configure SANbox 6140 Management Port IP Address
Connect the router’s 10/100 Ethernet port to your workstation using a switch or hub. Alternatively you may connect your
workstation directly to the router using an Ethernet crossover cable.
The SANbox 6140 management port’s default IP address is subnet Please make sure the workstation
connected to the SANbox Router has Ethernet address 10.0.0.x, where x is other than 1 and subnet mask is
From the workstation, open a command window and using a telnet session, connect to SANbox 6140 using IP
address Login as “guest” and use the password “password”. This will take you to a CLI prompt as shown in
figure 4.
Figure 4. QLogic Router Command Line Interface
Enter CLI command “admin start”. Default password is “config”. Enter “set mgmt” on the prompt QRouter (admin) #>.
Select the mode.We recommend you use static address. Select Option 0 and enter the IP address, Subnet info and
Gateway, if applicable.