
Use checkboxes to add a particular channel to a list of channels, or to
remove the channel from a list.
For example, to add channel 13 to your list of favorite channels:
1. PressMENU to bring up the Living Room Main Menu.
2. Point to Channel (the remote control) and press MENU. The
Channel menu appears.
3. Point to Lists and Labels and press MENU. The Listsand Labels
control panel appears. The Normal channel list checkbox
is highlighted.
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4. Point up repeatedly until channel 13 highlights.
5. Point right until the Fav checkbox highlights.
6. PressMENU to put channel 13 into the Favorite channel list. A
check mark appears in the box. To remove channel 13 from the
list, press MENU again.
7. PressCLEAR to return to normal viewing.
Now that you know how the Favorite Channel checkbox works, you
know how all checkboxes work.