Chapter 7
Do not attach or remove any cables while the PI-SCX system is powered on.
The PI-SCX system is designed to be highly reliable. Nevertheless, problems could
develop. In most instances, the best recourse will be to contact the factory for guidance.
Most often the system will be most reliably and quickly restored to service by identifying
the faulty component and returning it to the factory for service. The information in this
chapter is provided as an aid for gathering information that will assist in identifying the
source of the problem. The most likely problem with the camera would be gradual
deterioration of the vacuum to where temperature lock can no longer be achieved.
Do NOT attempt any disassembly of the camera. The camera sections have Indium
vacuum seals where they join. Attempting to disassemble the camera would damage
these seals. Once the integrity of a seal is compromised, there would be no alternative but
to return the camera to the factory for repair. Such a repair would not be covered by the
equipment Warranty.
The following issues have corresponding troubleshooting sections in this chapter.
Baseline Signal Suddenly Changes
Camera1 (or similar name) in Camera Name field
Changing the ST-133's Line Voltage and Fuses
Controller Is Not Responding
Data Loss or Serial Violation
Data Overrun Due to Hardware Conflict message
Data Overrun Has Occurred message
Demo is only Choice on Hardware Wizard:Interface dialog (Versions and
Demo, High Speed PCI, and PCI(Timer) are Choices on Hardware
Wizard:Interface dialog (Versions and earlier)
Detector Temperature, Acquire, and Focus are Grayed Out (Versions and
Error Creating Controller message
Error Occurs at Computer Powerup