Engine will not
1. E ngine flooded.
2. Fuel tank empty.
3. Spark plug not firing.
4. Fuel not reaching
carburet or.
5. C arburetor r equires
1. See “Starting a Flooded Engine” in
Operation Section.
2. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
3. Install new spar k plug.
4. Check for dir ty fuel filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
5. Contact an authorized service dealer .
Engine will
not idle
1. Carburetor requires
2. Crankshaft seals worn.
3. Compression low .
1. See “Carburetor Idle Speed Adjust m ent”
in Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Contact an authorized service dealer .
3. Contact an authorized service dealer .
1. Air filter dirty.
2. S park plug fouled.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Carbon build-up on
muffler outlet screen.
5. Compression low .
Engine will not
lacks power,
or dies under
a load.
1. Clean or replace air filter .
2. Clean or replace plug
and regap.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer .
4. Contact an authorized service dealer .
5. Contact an authorized service dealer .
exce ssively.
1. Fuel mixtu re incor rect.
2. Air f ilter dirty.
3. Carburetor requires
1. Empty fuel tank and refill w ith
correct fuel mixture.
2. Clean or replace air f ilter.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer .
Engine r uns
1. Fuel mixture incorrect.
2. Spark plug incorrect.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Carbon build- up on
muffler outlet screen.
1. See “F ueling Engine” in Operation
2. Replace with correct spark plug.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer .
4. Contact an authorized service dealer .
WARNING: Alwaysstop unitand disconnectspar kplug beforeperformingall ofthe
recommended remedies below except remedies that require operation of the unit.
Poulan, a d i vi si o n of Hu sq va r na C o n su me r
Outdoo r Products, N.A., Inc., warr ants to the
original consum er purchaser that each new
Poulan br and gasoline tool or a ttachm ent is
free from defects in m aterial and workmanship
and agrees to repair or repl ace under t his war-
ranty a ny defe ctive gasoline product or atta ch-
ment as follows from the original date of pur-
2YEARS--Parts and Labor , when used for
household purpo ses.
90 DAYS -- Parts and Labor , when used for
commercial, p rofessional, or income producing
30 DA YS -- Pa rts and Labor, if use d for rental
This warrant y is not tra nsfer able and does not
cover damage or liability caused by improper
handling, improper maintenanceor alterati on, or
the use of accessories and/or attachm ents not
specifically recommended b y Poula n for this
tool. This warranty does n ot cove r tune--u p,
spark plugs, filt ers, starter ropes, cut ting line, or
rotati ng head parts that will wearan d require re-
placement with reasonable u se during the war-
ranty perio d. This wa rranty doe s not cover pre--
delive ry setup or normal adjustments explained
in the instru cti on manual. This warranty does
not cover tr ansport ation costs.
In the e ventyo u havea clai munder this warran-
ty, you must return the pro duct t o an autho rize d
service dealer .
Should you have a ny unanswe red questions
concerning this warranty, please contact:
Poul an , a divi sion of Husqvarna
Consumer Outdoor Products N .A., Inc.
7349 Statesville Road
Charlot te, NC 28269
1--800--554--672 3
In Canada, contact:
Poul an
850 Matheson Blvd. West
Mississauga, On tario L5V 0B4