S Stay Alert . Do not operate this unit when you
are tired , ill, upset orunder theinfluen ce of al-
cohol, drugs, or medication. Watch what you
are doing; use common sense.
S W ear hearing protect ion.
S Never st art or run inside a cl osed room or
building. Breathing exhau st fumes can kill.
S Keep handles free of oil and fuel.
WARNING: Disconnect t he spark
plug before performing maintenance except
carburetor adjustments.
S Look for and replace damaged or loose parts
before each use. Look for and repair fuel
leaks before use. Keep in good wor king
conditio n.
S Replace tri mmer head parts that a re chipped,
cra cked, broken, or damaged in any o ther
way before using the unit.
S M aintain unit accor ding to r eco mmended pro-
cedure s. Keep cutting line at proper length.
S Use only 0 .080 inch (2 mm) diameter Poulan/
WEED EA TER brand line. Neve r use wire,
rope, str ing, etc.
S Install required sh ield properly be fore using
the unit. Use only specified tr immer head;
make sureit is properly inst alled and secure ly
fastene d.
S Ma ke sure un i t is asse m b l e d co r re ct l y a s
shown in this manual.
S M ake ca rburetor adjustments with lower end
support ed to prevent line from cont acting any
S Keep others awa y when making ca rburet or
adjustm ents.
S Use only recommended Poulan/WEED
EA TER a ccesso ries an d r epla cement pa rts.
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained in t his manual performed b y anautho-
rize d servi ce dealer.
S M ix and pour fuel outdoors.
S Keep away from sparks or flames.
S Use a container approved for fuel.
S Do not smoke or allow smoking near fuel or
the unit.
S A void spilling fuel or oil. Wipe upal l fuel spills.
S M ove at least 10 feet (3 meters) away fr om
fueling site before st arting engine.
S Stop engine and allow to co ol before remov-
ing fuel cap.
S Always st ore gasoline in a container ap-
proved for flammable liquids.
WARNING: Inspect the area before
each use. Remove objects (rocks, broken
glass, nails, wir e, etc.) which can be thrown
by or become entangled in line. Hard objects
can damage the trimmer head and bethrown
causing serious injury.
S Keep other s including children, animals, by-
stander s,and helpers at least 50feet (1 5 me-
ters) a way. Byst anders shoul d be encour-
aged to wear safety glasse s. Stop engine
immediately if yo u are approached.
S Use o nly for trimming, scalping, mowing and
swee ping. Do not use for edging, pruning or
hedge trimming.
S Keep firm footing and balance. Do not ove r-
S Keep all parts ofyour body away fro m m uffler
and spinning line. Keep engine be low waist
level. A hot muffler can cause ser ious burns.
S Cut from yo u r l eft to yo ur right. Cutting on
right side of the shield will throw debris away
from the operator.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial li ght.
S Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
S Allow eng ine to cool; secu re unit before stor-
ing or transpor ting in vehicl e.
S Empty the fuel tank befor e sto ring or tr ans-
porting the unit. Use upfuel leftin the carbure-
tor by start ing the engi ne and letting it run u ntil
it stops.
S Store unit and f uel in area where fuel vapors
cannot reachsp arks o r open fl ames from wa-
ter heate rs, electric motors or switches, fur-
naces, e tc.
S Storeunitsoline limit er bla de cannot a cciden-
tally cause i njury. T he unit can behung by the
S Store unit out of re ach of childr en.
WARNING: The engine exhaust
from this product contains chemicals known
totheStateofCaliforniatocause cancer,birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause bloodvessel ornerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disor ders o r ab-
normal swellings. Prolonged use in cold
weatherhas beenlinkedtoblood vesseldam-
agein otherwise healthypeople. Ifsymptoms
occu r su ch as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in t he fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinuetheuseofthis toolandseekmed-
ical attention. An anti--vibration systemdoes
not guarantee the avoidance of these prob-
lems. U sers who operate power tools on a
continual and regular basis must monitor
closelytheir physicalconditionand thecondi-
tion of this tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is equipped
with a temp erature l imitin g muf fl er an d spark a r-
rest ing screen which meets the requir ements of
Califo rnia Codes 4442 and4443. Al l U.S. forest
land and the states of Californi a, Idaho, Maine,
Minnesot a, New Jerse y, Oregon, andWash ing-
ton requi re by law that many internal co mbus-
tion engines be equipped wit h a spark arresting
screen. If yo u operate i n a locale where su ch
regulations exist , you ar e legally responsib le for
maintaining the operating condition of these
parts. Failure to do so is a violation of the law .
For normal homeowner use, th e m uffler and
spark arresting screen will not require any ser-
vice. Aft er 50 hours o f use, we recomm end that
your muffler be servicedor replacedby yourau-
thorized service dealer.