Eye Protection
Heavy Shoes
Cut from your right to your left.
Long Pa nts
WARNING: Alwayswear eyeprotec-
tion. Never lean over the trimmer head.
Rocks ordebris canricochet orbethrowninto
eyes and face and cause blindness or other
serious injury.
When operating unit,standas shown andcheck
for the following:
S Wear eye protection and heavy clothing.
S Hold tr igger handle with right hand and as-
sist handle with left hand.
S Keep unit below waist level.
S Cut fromyourright to your left toensure de -
brisis thrownaway fromyou. Withoutbend-
ing over , keep line near and parallel to the
ground andnot crowded into materialbeing
Thetrimmerline willadvance approximately 2
inches (5 cm) each tim e the bottom of the
trimmer headis tappedon theground withthe
engine r unning at full thr ottle.
The most efficient line length is the maximum
length allowed by the line limiter.
Always keep the shield i nplacewhen the tool
is being operated.
To advance line:
S Operate the engine/motor at f ull throttle.
S Hold thetrimmer headparallelto andabove
the grassy area.
S Tap the bo ttom of the trimmer hea d lightly on
the ground one time. A pproximately 2 inches
(5 cm) of line will be advanced with each tap.
Always tap the trim me r h ead on a grassy a rea.
Tapping on surfaces such as concrete or as-
phalt can cause excessive wear to the t rimmer
head. If the line is worn down to 2inches ( 5 cm)
or less, more than one tap will be required to ob-
tain the most efficient line length.
WARNING: Use on ly 0 .080” (2 mm)
diameter line. Other sizes of line will not ad-
vance properly and can cause serious injury.
Do not use other materials such as wire,
string, rope, etc. Wire can break of f during
cutting and become a dangerous missile that
can cause serious injury.
WARNING: Useminimumspeedand
do not crowd t he line when cutting around
hard objects (rock, gravel, fence posts, etc.),
entangled in the line, or be t hrown causing a
serious hazard.
S The tip of the line does the cutting. You will
achieve the best performance and mini-
mum line wear by not crowding the lineinto
the cutting area. The right and wrong ways
are shown below.
Tip of the Line
Does The Cutting
Line Crowded I nto
Work Area
S The line will e asily remove grass and
weeds fromaroundwalls,fences,treesand
flower beds, but it also can cut the tender
bark of t rees o r shrubs and scar fences.
S For trimming or scalping, use less than full
throttle to increaseline life and decreasehead
wear, especially:
S During light duty cutting.
S Near objects around which t he line can
wrap such as small posts, trees or fence
S For m owing or sweeping, use full throttle for
a good clean job.
TRIMMING -- Hold the bottom of the trimmer
head about 3 inches (8 cm)above theground
andat anangle. Allowonly the tipof theline to
make contact. Do not force trimmer line into
work area.
3 inches (8 cm)
above ground
SCALPING -- The scalping technique r e-
moves unwanted vegetation down to the
ground. Hold the bottom o f the trimmer head
about 3 in. (8 cm) above the ground and atan
angle. Allow the tip of the line to strike the
ground around trees, posts, monuments,etc.
This technique increases line wear.
MOWING -- Your trimmer is ideal for mowing
in places conventional lawn mowers cannot
reach. In the mowing position, keep the line
parallel to the ground. Avoid pressing t he
head into the ground as this can scalp the
ground and damage the tool.