WARNING: Use minimum speed
and donot crowdthe linewhen cuttingaround
hard objects (rock, gravel, fence posts, etc.),
whichcandamage thetrimmer head,become
entangled in the line, or be thrown causing a
serious hazard.
S The tip of the line does the cutt ing. You w ill
achieve the best performance and mini-
mum line wear by not crowding the line into
the cutting ar ea . The right and wrongways
are shown below.
Tip of the line
does the cutting.
Right Wrong
Line crowded into
work area.
S The line will easily remove grass and
weeds fr omaroundwalls,fences,treesand
flower beds, but it also can cut the tende r
bark of trees or shrubs and scar fences.
S For tr im ming or scalping, use less than full
throttle to incr ease line life and decrease
head wear, e specially:
S D uring light duty cut ting.
SNear obje cts around which thelinecanwra p
such as small p osts, tr ees or fence wire.
S For mowing orsweeping, usefull t hrottlefor
a good clean job.
TRIMMING -- Hold the bottom of t he trimme r
head about 3 inches (8 cm ) above the gr ound
and a t a n angle. Allow on ly the tip o f the l ine to
make contact. Do not force trimmer line into
work area .
3 inches (8 cm)
above g round
SCALP ING -- The scalping technique removes
unwanted vege tation down t o t he ground. Ho ld
the bott om of the trimmer head about 3 in. (8
cm) above thegroundand at anangle. Allow the
tip of the line to strike the ground around tre es,
posts, monuments, etc. This technique in-
crea ses lin e wear .
MOWING -- Your trimmer is ideal for mowing
in places conventional lawn mowers cannot
reach. In the m owing position, keep t he line
parallel to the ground. Avoid pressing the
head into the ground as this can scalp the
ground and damage the t ool.
SWEEPING -- Thefanning action ofthe rotat-
inglineca nbe usedto blowaway loosedebris
from an area. Keep the line parallel to and
above the area su rface and swing the tool
from side to side.