Activity Level Description
7. Adjust the day (dd) or month (mm) with the / buttons. Press OK.
8. Adjust the year (yy) with the / buttons. Press OK.
9. Sex: Select MALE or FEMALE with the / buttons. Press OK.
10. Activity: Select your long-term physical activity level TOP, HIGH, MODERATE, or LOW with the / buttons. Press OK.
The activity level is an assessment of your level of physical activity. Select the alternative that best describes the overall
amount and intensity of your physical activity in the past three months.
TOP You participate regularly in heavy physical exercise at least 5 times a week. For example,
you exercise to improve performance for competitive purposes.
HIGH You participate regularly, at least 3 times a week, in heavy physical exercise. For example, you run
6-12 miles/10-20 km per week or participate in 3-4 gym classes or aerobic exercise classes weekly,
or you spend 2-3 hours per week in comparable physical activity.
MODERATE You participate regularly in recreational sports. For example, you run 3-6 miles/5-10 km per week or
you participate in 1-2 gym classes or aerobic exercise classes weekly, or you spend 1/2-2 hours per
week in comparable physical activity or your work requires modest physical activity.
LOW You do not participate regularly in programmed recreational sport or heavy physical activity.
For example, you walk only for pleasure or occasionally exercise sufficiently to cause heavy breathing
or perspiration.