fcc registration information
FCC Requirements - Part 68
1. The FCC has established Rules which permit this device to be directly
connected to the telephone network. Standardized jacks are used for
these connections. This equipment should not be used on party lines
or coin phones.
2. If this device is malfunctioning, it may also be causing harm to the
telephone network; this device should be disconnected until the
source of the problem can be determined and until repair has been
made. If this is not done, the telephone company may temporarily
disconnect service.
3. The telephone company may make changes in its technical operations
and procedures; if such changes affect the compatibility or use of this
device, the telephone company is required to give adequate notice of
the changes. You will be advised of your right to file a complaint with
the FCC.
4. If the telephone company requests information on what equipment is
connected to their lines, inform them of:
a. The telephone number to which this unit is connected.
b. The ringer equivalence number.
c. The USOC jack required (RJ-11C).
d. The FCC Registration Number.
Items (b) and (d) are indicated on the label. The Ringer Equivalence
Number (REN) is used to determine how many devices can be
connected to your telephone line. In most areas, the sum of the RENs
of all devices on any one line should not exceed five (5.0). If too many
devices are attached, they may not ring properly.
Service Requirements
In the event of equipment malfunction, all repairs should be performed
by Plantronics or an authorized agent. It is the responsibility of users
requiring service to report the need for service to Plantronics or one of its
authorized agents. Service can be obtained at the facility listed in the
Warranty Information section.
Printed in USA
© Plantronics, Inc.
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